Rabi Abubakar, a 30-year-old married woman from Asara, Gusau, faced significant financial challenges. With six children and a husband who worked as a phone technician in their community, their family’s income was barely enough to cover basic needs. The insecurity in Gusau disrupted farming activities, making it even harder for families like Rabi’s to make ends meet. Her husband’s income was not sufficient to feed their children or pay for their school fees.
When the Life Helpers Initiative (LHI) and Secours Islamique France (SIF) team came to their community to introduce and enlighten them about the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), Rabi discussed the opportunity with her husband. He supported her decision, and she registered to join the group, even though the 300 Naira weekly contribution seemed daunting at first.
At the beginning, it was tough because I had no personal income and my husband’s business was struggling,” Rabi recalled. “The 300 Naira weekly contribution was a burden for him, but I refused to give up.
Determined to improve her situation, Rabi took a loan from the VSLA and started a small business processing groundnut oil from the comfort of her home. Slowly but surely, her business began to grow, and she was able to generate a steady income.
Now, I am able to save up to 8,000 Naira monthly as profit from my business,” she said proudly. “I also have personal savings, and I can’t wait for the final share-out at the end of the VSLA cycle.
Grateful for the opportunity provided by LHI and Secours Islamique France (SIF), Rabi expressed her appreciation: Na gode wa wannan shiri. Allah ya ci gaba da albarkar kungiyoyin da suka taimaka, kuma muna fatan ganin karin ayyuka irin wannan a cikin al’ummominmu.